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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

5 Drinks to Help You Lose Weight

Don't drink your calories. Instead drink these low-calorie drink options.

The secret to losing weight isn’t just watching what’s on your plate; it’s also about watching what’s in your glass. Popular soft drinks, fruit juices, and energy drinks can be loaded with added sugars and carbohydrates that can sabotage your weight-loss strategy. Here are five tasty ways to drink up without packing on the pounds.

1. Water

We all know this one, but it’s important to remember that water is the single best choice for effective weight loss. Whether it’s still or sparkling, aim to make water your go-to beverage choice. Think water is boring? Try adding fresh lemon slices, lime, cucumber, and even a slice of tomato to add flavor without adding many calories.

2. Vegetable juice

Whether in a can, bottled, or homemade, vegetable juice is an excellent way to get the fiber and nutrients your body needs to fuel your weight loss. If you can find a low-sodium variety, even better. The veggies will keep you fuller longer and the tangy flavor will keep your taste buds happy.

3. Unsweetened tea

Green tea has been proven to help boost metabolism and speed up weight loss. Try it hot or iced with a bit of honey for a low-sugar sweet drink. Don’t forget black and oolong teas, too! Both are filled with antioxidants, which can help rid your body of toxins.

4. Black coffee

A morning cup of joe or an afternoon iced coffee can help spur your weight loss by providing a boost of caffeine that suppresses hunger. Also, coffee has been shown to stimulate thermogenesis, which heats up the body and boosts metabolism. Just be careful about what you add to your coffee — stick to skim milk and very little sugar.

5. Skim milk

Milk is an excellent source of lean protein, vitamin D, and calcium that can help build your muscles and keep your bones strong. Opt for low-fat or skim milk for all of the vitamins without the added fat. If you are feeling indulgent, add a little chocolate — low-fat chocolate milk is a great option for post-workout muscle recovery.

Source: Reader's Digest

24 Ways to Brighten Your Morning

Wake up on the right side of the bed and ease into your day with a positive, calm attitude

The Wake-Up Routine

The morning is probably no one's favorite part of the day, particularly if you stayed up the night before to watch Leno or Jaws for the seventeenth time. Remember: Stress and anxiety wreak havoc on your immunity. Enter your day happy and relaxed, and you greatly increase your chances of a healthy, productive day.

1. Go to sleep with your blinds or curtains halfway open. That way, the natural light of the rising sun will send a signal to your brain to slow its production of melatonin and bump up its production of adrenaline, a signal that it's time to wake up. When the alarm goes off, you'll already be half awake. Even better: Go to bed early enough so that waking up when the sun shines through your window still gives you the recommended seven hours of shut-eye. If you maintain this routine, it's likely that you can start relying on your biological clock rather than an alarm clock.

2. Set your alarm 15 minutes earlier. This way, you don't have to jump out of bed and rush through your morning. You can begin your morning by lying in bed, slowly waking up. Stretching. Listening to the news headlines. Mentally clicking off what you're going to wear, what you're going to do, what you're going to have for breakfast. It's just as important to prepare yourself mentally as physically for your day. These few minutes in bed, before anyone else is up, are all yours.

3. Stretch every extremity for 15 seconds. Try this even before you open your eyes. Lift your arm and begin by stretching each finger, then your hand, then your wrist, then your arm. Then move on to the other arm. Then your toes, feet, ankles, and legs. Finally, end with a neck and back stretch that propels you out of the bed. You've just limbered up your muscles and joints and enhanced the flow of blood through your body, providing an extra shot of oxygen to all your tissues.

4. Stick a chair in the shower and sit in it. Use one of those plastic chairs you can buy at any hardware store. Let it warm up under the spray for a minute, then sit in it and let the spray beat on your back. It's simultaneously relaxing and energizing, like getting a water massage. After a couple of minutes, you can swing the chair out of the way and commence withwashing.

5. Read a motivational quote every morning. This can provide a frame for the day, a sort of self-talk that keeps you motivated in the right direction as opposed to the negative thinking of the morning news. Another option: Use a motivational mantra that provides a meditation-like burst, or read or recite a poem that helps you focus. A good one to use: Rudyard Kipling's "If."

6. Take a vitamin. Keep a multivitamin out on the kitchen counter right by the coffeepot so you remember to take one every morning. More than 20 years of research led to a major recommendation in one of the country's premier medical journals suggesting that every American take a multivitamin as part of a healthy lifestyle.

7. Eschew any decisions. For truly relaxing mornings, reduce the number of choices and decisions you make to zero. Go about this two ways: First, make your morning decisions the night before: what clothes to wear, what breakfast to eat, what route to take to work, and so on. Second, routinize as much of your morning as possible. Really, there's no need to vary your breakfast, timetable, or bathroom ritual from one morning to the next.

8. Cuddle with your kids. Few things are more stressful in the morning than waking up an overtired fifth grader or a snoring high schooler. Yet this is one of the few times you can catch your child still vulnerable. Sit on his bed and gently smooth his hair as you softly waken him. Or, if you're dealing with a very young child, lie beside him and gently hug him awake. Such a moment will send a quiet surge of joy through your entire day and will become all too rare in all too short a time.

9. Spend 5 to 10 minutes each morning listening to music or sitting on the deck or porch just thinking. This allows the creative thinking that takes place during the night to gel and form into a plan of action, grounding you for the day.

10. Wake to the smell of coffee. Really great coffee. Buy the absolute best coffee you can afford -- fresh beans are preferred -- and put twice the amount you've been using into your coffee maker, the one you bought specifically because it has an alarm that can be set to start brewing times. The strong scent of strong coffee will pull you out of bed like a fishhook in the back of your pajamas. Plus, if you're going the caffeine route, morning is the best time for it. Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant that acts in many ways like other stimulant drugs such as amphetamines, waking you up and increasing your muscular activity. Even better: A study of 18 men found that caffeine improved clear-headedness, happiness, and calmness, as well as the men's ability to perform on attention tests and to process information and solve problems.

11. Brush your tongue for one minute. There's no better way to rid yourself of morning breath and begin your day minty fresh and clean. After all, more than 300 types of bacteria take up residence in your mouth every night. You think a quick brush over the teeth is going to vanquish them all?

12. Take a baby aspirin. There. You've just significantly reduced your risk of a heart attack. In one study of 220,000 doctors, those who took an aspirin every day for five years slashed their heart attack risk nearly in half. Of course, check with your doctor first to make sure this is okay for you.

13. Use real sugar in your coffee, or drink a cup of orange juice. When researchers at the University of Virginia tested the memories of healthy 60- to 80-year-olds, they found those who had a small amount of sugar in the morning (the experimenters compared sweetened to unsweetened lemonade) even before breakfast had better memory recall that day on into the following day. We're talking small amounts, however, about a teaspoon or less; so put down that doughnut.

14. Check your morning calendar. This is the large calendar or white board you've hung in a prominent position in your kitchen. On it, you write everything you need to know for that particular day, from kids' activities to whether the guy is coming to service the furnace to whether it's time to pay bills. Check it out carefully while you sip that first cup of coffee or morning tea; it will help you structure your day in your mind and avoid the stressful effects of forgetting something important.

15. Swallow 500 mg of calcium citrate. Your body is better at absorbing this form of calcium than the other commonly used form, calcium carbonate, found in antacids like Tums and Rolaids. You'll need at least another 500 mg before you go to bed.

16. Drink eight ounces of water. You've been fasting all night and you wake each morning dehydrated.

17. Create a checklist for your kids. If you don't have kids, skip this one. But if you do, this is a biggie. To cut down on morning chaos, hang a white board in the hallway or kitchen and list all the things that must be done before the kids can leave: brush teeth, eat breakfast, get backpack together, make bed, and so on. Have them check off or erase each item once it's completed. You can do the same thing with lists printed out from your computer. Set aconsequence: If all items aren't checked off 5 minutes before you need to leave, there's no TV, PlayStation, dessert, or computer time that night.

18. Keep a wicker basket for yourself and each child by the front or back door. Into it go your keys, wallet, purse, and the child's backpack, papers, gloves, hats, etc. This will prevent that frantic last-minute scouring of the house as you look for lost items.

19. Split up in the morning. That means you use one bathroom and your partner uses another. Even if you are still madly in love, bathroom time should be private time. It makes for a calmer, less stressful start to your day.

20. Wash more efficiently. We spend an average of about 12 minutes in the shower. That's fine when you're preparing for date night. But in the morning, you need to get in and out quickly. If you're not into showering the night before (we do understand about bed head) try using two-in-one products like a cleanser that both cleans and moisturizes or a combination shampoo and conditioner. When you wash your body, just hit the hot spots, i.e., your groin and underarms. Everything else can just be rinsed off. The health benefit: reducing stress by saving time.

21. Prepare an emergency outfit in your closet. Include socks, jewelry, hose, etc., so on those mornings when you sleep through the alarm or simply need an extra 10 minutes, you can just pluck it off the hanger and go.

22. Dry more efficiently. Start with an oversized, 100 percent cotton bath sheet for maximum blotting. Towel-dry your hair and let it air-dry while you do your makeup or put on your underwear. Then, if you use a blow-dryer, make it a high-energy one, at least 1,600 watts. Anything else is just wasting precious time.

23. Hop on the treadmill for 30 minutes. Studies find that people who work out in the morning are more likely to stick with their exercise regimen because they get it out of the way and don't have all day to come up with diversions and excuses. Plus, you will produce endorphins that will last most of the day.

24. Kiss all the people you love in your house (including the dog and cat) before you leave. Connecting with the ones you love soothes stress and provides you with a positive start to your day, as well as keeping you focused on what's really important says therapist Barbara Bartlein, L.C.S.W., author ofWhy Did I Marry You Anyway? 125 Strategies for a Happy Marriage.

From Stealth Health

Saturday, June 4, 2011

গুগলের যত অজানা সার্ভিস

গুগলের যত অজানা সার্ভিস

মনিরুল হক ফিরোজ
গুগল ফ্রেন্ড কানেক্ট
এই সার্ভিসের কাজ হলো বিভিন্ন সোশ্যাল নেটওয়ার্কিং ও অন্যান্য সাইটে ছড়িয়ে থাকা আপনার বন্ধুদের সঙ্গে যোগাযোগ স্থাপন করা। এতে আবার কমেন্ট ট্রান্সলেশন অপশনও আছে। এতে আপনার বন্ধু অন্য কোনো ভাষায় কমেন্ট করলেও আপনি তা ট্রান্সলেট করে দেখতে পারবেন। কেনাকাটার সাইটে কোনো কিছু কেনার আগে আপনি দেখতে পারবেন আপনার কোনো বন্ধু আগেই এই প্রোডাক্টটি কিনেছে কিনা বা কিনে থাকলে সেটা সম্পর্কে তার মতামত কী। নিজের প্রোফাইলসহ কমেন্ট করতে পারবেন সাপোর্টেড বগ বা নিউজ সাইটগুলোতে।
গুগল ফাস্ট ফ্লিপ
গুগল ফাস্ট ফ্লিপ হলো একটি নিউজ অ্যাগরিগেটর সার্ভিস। গুগল নিউজের সঙ্গে এর পার্থক্য হলো এতে আপনি পাবলিশার বা ঘটনা অনুসারে সাজানো নিউজ পাবেন। খবরগুলোর নেভিগেশন সিস্টেম গুগল নিউজের মতো হলেও ক্লিক করলে সংশ্লিষ্ট সাইটে চলে যাবে। অনেকটা ম্যাগাজিনের পাতা উল্টানোর মতো আপনি খুব সহজেই মাউস স্ক্রল করে বা কার্সরের মাধ্যমে মুভ করতে পারবেন। ঠিকানা :
গুগল গ্যাজেটস
গুগল গ্যাজেটের মাধ্যমে ওয়েবে বা নিজের ডেস্কটপে ডায়নামিক কনটেম্লট যোগ করা সম্ভব। হতে পারে তা নিজের আইগুগল পেজ, ব্লগ, ওয়েব পেজ বা গুগল ডেস্কটপ। যে কেউ নিজের তৈরি কনটেম্লট পাবলিশ করতে পারেন এর মাধ্যমে।
গুগল লাইভলি
বর্তমানে এ সার্ভিসটি বন্ধ। এটি গুগলের ভার্চুয়াল দুনিয়া। এতে আপনি আপনার নিজস্ব রুম তৈরি করতে পারেন। সেটি ইচ্ছামত সাজাতে পারেন। ডিজাইন করতে বা রং বদলাতে পারেন, পিকাসা বা ইউটিউব থেকে ছবি দেয়ালের ফ্রেমে ঝুলাতে পারেন। একসঙ্গে ২০ জন পর্যন্ত চ্যাট করা সম্ভব রুমগুলোতে। আপনি এবং অন্যরা এক একটি কার্টুন ক্যারেক্টার হিসেবে রুমে একে অন্যকে দেখতে পারবেন এবং আপনাদের কথাগুলো বাবল হিসেবে দেখা যাবে।
গুগল ল্যাটিচুড
গুগলের লোকেশন ট্র্যাকিং সার্ভিস। মোবাইল ফোনে গুগল ম্যাপস ব্যবহার করে একজন ব্যবহারকারী তার নিজের বর্তমান অবস্থান অন্যদের জানাতে পারেন। ব্যাকবেরি, উইন্ডোজ মোবাইল, অ্যান্ড্রোয়েড, আইফোন আর সিম্বিয়ান প্লাটফর্মে কাজ করে এটি। ফাঁকিবাজির ব্যবস্থাও আছে কিন্তু আপনি চাইলে শুধু শহরের নাম দেখাতে পারেন, এমনকি নিজে যে কোনো লোকেশন ম্যানুয়ালি লিখেও দিতে পারেন! ঢাকায় বসে সিডনি লিখে দিলে সবাই দেখবে আপনি সিডনিতে। ঠিকানা :
গুগল মার্স
আমাদের মতো নাদানদের মঙ্গল গ্রহ দেখার সুব্যবস্থা করে দিয়েছে এই সার্ভিস। বিভিন্ন উত্স থেকে সংগ্রহ করা মঙ্গল গ্রহের ছবি নিয়ে ব্রাউজার আর গুগল আর্থ ভিত্তিক সার্ভিস এটি। ব্রাউজারে দ্বিমাত্রিক হলেও গুগল আর্থে হাই রেজুলেশন ত্রিমাত্রিক ছবি দেখতে পাবেন আপনি। দেখতে চাইলে
গুগল মুন
গুগল মার্সের মতো একই সার্ভিস চাঁদ দেখার জন্য। ছবির কালেকশন আর কোয়ালিটি স্বভাবতই মার্সের চেয়ে রিচ।
গুগল মডারেটর
গুগলের মডু সার্ভিস। এটা একটা সার্ভে বা কোশ্চেন এবং তার ফিডব্যাক ম্যানেজমেন্ট টুল। এর মাধ্যমে ব্যাপক আকারে প্রশ্ন, সাজেশন বা আইডিয়া কালেক্ট করা, সাজানো বা বিশ্লেষণ করা যায়। কোনো বিষয়ের ওপর বা প্রশ্নে রেটিং বা ভোটিংয়ের ব্যবস্থাও আছে।
গুগলের সোশ্যাল নেটওয়ার্কিং সাইট। ফেসবুকের সঙ্গে প্রতিযোগিতায় পাত্তা না পেলেও এটি বেশ জনপ্রিয়। এতে ফেসবুকের মতোই প্রোফাইল তৈরি, ছবি, ভিডিও শেয়ারিং, ফ্রেন্ডশিপ করা যায়। এতে থিম পরিবর্তনের সুবিধা রয়েছে। গুগলের অন্য সার্ভিসের সঙ্গে ইনট্রিগেশন করা যায় একে। গুগল টক ব্যবহার করে চ্যাটিং আর ফাইল শেয়ারিংও সম্ভব। করা যায় ভিডিও চ্যাটও। বন্ধুদের রেটিং করা যায়। ফেসবুকের সঙ্গে একটা বড় পার্থক্য হলো, আপনি যাদের ইগনোর লিস্টে রেখেছেন তারা ছাড়া যে কেউ যে কারও প্রোফাইল দেখতে পারবে, বন্ধু না হলেও।
গুগল স্কলার
গুগল স্কলার একটি স্কলার আর্টিকেল, টেকনিক্যাল রাইটিং, রিপোর্ট আর থিসিস সার্চ ইঞ্জিন। ডিসিপ্লিন ভিত্তিক স্কলার ফুল টেক্সট কনটেম্লট সার্চ করা যায় এতে। বিশ্ববিখ্যাত অসংখ্য জার্নাল থেকে ফুল পাবলিকেশন পাওয়া যায়।
গুগল সাইটস
নবিসদের জন্য ওয়েবসাইট তৈরির সার্ভিস। খুব সহজে কোনোরূপ কোডিং জানা ছাড়াই ওয়েবপেজ তৈরি আর পাবলিশ করা যায় গুগলের সার্ভারে। খুব সহজ থিম, ফন্ট, লেআউট কাস্টমাইজেশন করা গেলেও হাই কোয়ালিটি পেজ বা ডায়নামিক কিছু করা সম্ভব নয়। ফ্রি ইউজারদের ১০০ মেগাবাইট স্টোরেজ আর গুগল ডক, ইউটিউব, ক্যালেন্ডার থেকে কনটেম্লট যোগ করা যায়। রয়েছে অ্যাডসেন্সও!

গুগল স্ট্রিট ভিউ
গুগল ম্যাপস আর গুগল আর্থের একটি ফিচার এটি। বিশ্বের বিভিন্ন বড় বড় শহরের রাস্তাঘাট একেবারে ৩৬০ ডিগ্রি ঘুরে দেখা যায়। স্যাটেলাইট ইমেজ, জাহাজ বা গাড়ি থেকে তোলা ছবি ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে এতে। রয়েছে জুম করার সুবিধাও।
গুগল স্কোয়াড
গুগল স্কোয়াড একটি ডাটা এক্সট্রাকশন সার্ভিস। ওয়েব থেকে আপনার দরকারি ডাটা কালেক্ট করে স্প্রেডশিট আকারে দেবে এটি। সার্ভিসটি এখনও বেটা পর্যায়ে আছে।
গুগল ট্রেন্ড
কোনো একটি নির্দিষ্ট বিষয় জনমনে কতটুকু আলোড়ন তুলছে সেটা দেখার সেবা। গ্রাফের মাধ্যমে সময়ের সঙ্গে সঙ্গে কেন কি-ওয়ার্ড দিয়ে করা সার্চের পরিমাণ দেখা যায়। মোট সার্চের পরিমাণের কত ভাগ এই কি-ওয়ার্ড দিয়ে সার্চ করেছে তার একটা তুলনামূলক চিত্র পাওয়া যায় এ থেকে।
মিউজিক ভিডিও সার্ভিস। ইউটিউব আর ইউনিভার্সাল স্টুডিওর যৌথ উদ্যোগে মিউজিক ভিডিও বিক্রির ব্যবস্থা।

Source: Daily Amardesh

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

How to Lose Belly Fat Without Painful Exercises

It is never too late or too early to start trimming down by losing fat. By having too much fat around your belly and chest you put yourself at a greater risk for health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease. You burn body fat over the entirety of your body in a pattern according to your genetic predisposition. However, you can find easy exercises to lose belly and chest fat for men. In men, it is the belly and chest that holds most of the fat, so when you begin to lose fat, most of it will come from these areas.


Things You'll Need

  • Weightlifting Belt
  • Workout clothing

1) Focus on muscle building as well as cardiovascular exercises. While you should focus on working your chest and stomach muscles, you should also continue to work all the muscles of your body. By increasing your muscle mass over the entirety of your body, you increase your metabolism, which means your body burns more calories throughout the day. For cardiovascular exercise, running is the best type of exercise to melt away fat. If you have lower back or knee problems, you can also walk or ride a bike. Do at least 30 to 45 minutes of nonstop cardio exercises three to five times per week.

2) Use crunches to build and tone your abdominal muscles. Lay with your back on the floor, bend your knees while keeping you feet flat on the floor and then fold your arms across your chest. Slowly raise your upper body toward your knees lifting your shoulders about six to eight inches off the ground. Hold at the top for one second and then slowly lower your shoulders back to the floor. Perform three to four sets of 20 to 25 repetitions three times per week.
3) Perform leg raises to tighten up the lower areas of you belly. Leg raises focus on your lower abdominal muscles. Lay on your back with your legs stretched out but knees slightly bent. With your hands at your side, slowly raise both legs off the ground about eight to ten inches. Hold for one second and then slowly lower your legs until your feet touch the ground. Perform three to four sets of 20 to 25 repetitions three times per week.
  • 4) Perform regular push-ups to help tone your chest and belly. Push-ups are a great exercise to help build muscle in the middle chest, shoulders and arms. While in the push-up position your abdominal muscles remain contracted, giving them a static muscular workout. To perform, lower yourself onto your knees, place your hands flat on the floor shoulder-width apart. Then straighten your legs with your weight on your hands and toes. From this position, slowly bend your elbows and lower your body down, keeping your back straight, until you are about one inch from the floor. Pause for one second and then push yourself back up to the starting position. Perform as many repetitions as possible for three to four sets twice per week.
    5)Perform standing push-ups to help tighten up your lower chest muscles. These are easier to perform than regular push-ups and should be done after the regular push-ups. Find a sturdy counter in your home that is at least waist high. Take two to three steps back to a point where you can lean forward and place your hands shoulder width apart on the counter and support your body weight. With your back flat, slowly lower your body until the lower part of your chest touches the counter edge. Pause for one second and then push yourself back up to the starting position. Perform 20 to 25 repetitions for three to four sets twice per week
  • Monday, May 16, 2011

    The Best Way to Check the Temperature in Your Freezer!

    Data loggers are modern digital devices that document temperature. Many people use them to monitor the temperature in a freezer or in a pharmaceutical storage facility, but the are also used to monitor oven temperature and other manufacturing processes.

    A high temperature data logger (a logger with sensors capable of measuring high temperatures) can be used in laboratories, manufacturing plants and even bakeries. Literally any place where temperature plays a role in producing a product or affects the life of stored inventory is a potential spot where a data logger can be employed.

    Data loggers are priceless tools for museums and art galleries where they monitor and document temperature and humidity. Art works and paintings must be maintained in rigidly controlled environments or they deteriorate. They can also be employed for investigating building operational problems, checking voltage and amperage in energy lines and many, many more. The only thing that limits them is which sensors are installed.

    Humidity monitors
    Temperature/RH data loggers such as the ThermaViewer can be used to monitor and alert personnel if temperature moves outside a 'safe' range. Knowing the relative humidity (RH) is important in every place where there are any moisture sensitive goods stored. Cigars, musical instruments and clothes - all these goods may be damaged or even destroyed by rapid RH changes. Drums' heads can split, guitars can fall apart and paintings can darken - all because of improper RH level.

    High temperature
    High temperature sensors can increase the data loggers' usefulness. Wherever there are heaters or ovens to monitor, a high temperature data logger will be handy. They can be used for temperature monitoring of ongoing experiments in a lab as well as for checking the temperature in ironworks' furnace. Data loggers (even high temperature ones) are relatively inexpensive and can be used by small businesses, like pizzerias and bakeries.

    By: Rick Kaestner

    Author Bio
    Rick Kaestner is the President and CEO of Two Dimensional Instruments; the worldwide leader in providing technology to monitor, measure, record and document temperature and humidity. For more information please visit their website at

    Monday, May 9, 2011

    Take Great Photographs With Cameras - 7 Tips

    Taking great photographs with today's automatic cameras allows anyone to produce a sharp, well-exposed image. If you are just beginning to use an 'auto-everything' camera like a 35mm compact or program SLR then your main area of control is going to be in the composition of your photographs. No one can tell you how to take a great picture because it comes down to your ability to 'see' the potential to create a picture. Never-the-less, here are 7 tips and techniques you can use to improve the final look of your photographs. You will find some of the most popular, effective and easy to implement photo techniques, that you will be able to start using right away, to improve your picture taking.

    Tip 1: Read your camera manual, then read it again. Keep it with the camera and learn all of your camera's features. The more familiar you become with what your camera will do the more you will be a photographer and not just a picture taker. The more your camera automatically becomes an extension of your eyes and fingers, the more you can concentrate on your photo before you take it.

    Tip 2: The Rule of Thirds. Divide the image in your viewfinder into three sections with 2 imaginary horizontal and 2 imaginary vertical lines. Place your subject near one of the intersections of those lines.
    Placing your subject off-center creates an interesting, dynamic image that makes the photo more interesting.

    Tip 3: Find fresh angles to take your photograph from. Change your viewpoint or the angle of view, don't be afraid to shoot from a low angle especially when photographing pets. Several years ago a single use camera manufacturer gave a camera to each of a group of younger children, the resulting pictures changed the way we look at camera angles to take photographs. When you change your camera angle be sure to get horizons horizontal. Be conscious of getting Images Straight and be sure to fill your picture frame.

    Tip 4: Create active space - When photographing any object that is moving or would require space if it moved. leave space for the move. If you photographed your pet and placed the nose on the edge of the photo and left space behind, the photo would look very uncomfortable. Leave room in front and put the back close to the edge of the photo to create active space.

    Tip 5: Getting backgrounds right and framing your shots. Use a dark background for taking a picture of a light object, or, alternatively, a light background for a picture of a dark object.

    Caution: Absolutely light backgrounds cause flare effect that lead to reducing the overall contrast of a picture. The use of an object to frame your photo can greatly reduce this effect. For example you can use a tree limb over the top part of your photo when you take scenic photos to help improve the composition and reduce the glare.

    Tip 6: Center of Interest. Try and keep only one center of interest having too many interest points in a photo is distracting causing the viewer to lose focus and interest. Use Tip 2 to place the center of interest in the proper place. When you shoot people portraits keep the subjects eyes around the top 1/3rd grid line.
    Always use less distraction. Sometimes your mind tends to exaggerate what you see through the viewfinder of your camera. Very often things are perceived bigger than they actually are. What you end up with is a photograph with huge areas of wasted space around the edge and people with things growing out of their heads.

    Tip 7: Editing: Before you show anyone all those holiday photos you took, edit your work. Take out all the doubles, all the duds, the ones that are out of focus and generally the ones you think are crap. Only show people the good stuff and your perception as a photographer immediately increases. Pro's often shoot a load of junk like anyone else, they just don't show it to anybody.

    By: Carn Paynter

    Author Bio
    Carm, a retired photo lab owner, believing photography to be one of the best hobbies we can take up because it is a never ending source of pleasure in the photos we take and there is always something we can learn as long as we want to take photos. To read about hobbies and hobby ideas especially as a source of retirement activity come on over and visit

    Article Source:

    Friday, April 29, 2011

    10 Ways to Protect Yourself Online

    As more people do more things online, Internet identity theft is a growing—and very costly— problem. Learn the best ways to protect yourself
    By James Van Dyke, founder and president of Javelin Strategy & Research

    1. Guard Your Personal Information

    Never respond to requests for personal or account information online (or over the phone). When your social security number is requested as an identifier, ask if you can provide alternate information. Watch out for convincing imitations of banks, card companies, charities and government agencies. Use legitimate sources of contact information to verify requests for information, such as your financial institution’s official website or the telephone number listed on statements.

    2. Don’t Overshare

    Don’t divulge your birth date, mother’s maiden name, pet’s name or any other identifying information on social media websites such as Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter.

    3. Stay Up to Date

    Install anti-virus software on your computer and keep it updated. Use the latest version of your web browser. Install security patches and software updates as soon as they are ready to install.

    4. Make it Difficult

    Use unique and hard-to-guess passwords. Don’t access secure websites using public Wi-Fi.

    5. Beware of Fake Online Sweepstakes and Contests

    All offers that require payment or private information before giving an award are bogus. Take the time to check out the validity of an offer. Ask for contact information from the sender and details about the company running the contest. Once you start asking a lot of questions and make it clear you won’t be pushed to make an immediate decision, most scammers will go away.

    6. Go Paperless

    Enroll in electronic statements, use direct deposit, and make bill payments online (to avoid mail theft).

    7. Don’t Believe the Work at Home Hype

    Thoroughly conduct a background check on the company, making as many phone calls and Internet searches as you can. If in doubt, visit a local law enforcement office and ask their opinion. All offers to earn pay for re-shipping goods sent to your address are bogus. Tragically, some work-from-home scams not only enlist the individual to defraud others, they also make an identity fraud victim out of the individual!

    8. Ask What Your Bank Is Doing to Protect You

    Understand banks’ guarantees for fraud protection: all large providers now offer zero-liability protection for debit and credit cards, while a few offer a guarantee for online banking transactions.

    Source: RDASIA

    Thursday, April 21, 2011

    8 Ways to Keep Your Job

    1) Invest in yourself

    Brush up on your skills, experience and education. What's missing from your resume? What can make you more valuable to your employer? Identify a class to take, a work project to volunteer for. It is time and money well spent.

    2) Make yourself indispensable
    Pitch in on extra projects, work overtime if needed. Ask your boss how you can help during these tough times. Let them know you are there, and are willing to do what it takes to help the company pull through.

    3) Impress your boss

    Always take the opportunity to impress your boss. 8 way to impress your boss while doing less: Become Great Friends with Your Boss, Know What Your Boss’ Boss Wants, Focus on the Major Tasks, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, Send E-mails Before You Go To Work and After You Go Home, Volunteer for Everything, Get a Personal Assistant and Know Something Better than Anyone.

    4) Submit your ideas on a regular basis.

    You’ll be amazed at the level of growth and development you will personally experience when you start sharing your great ideas with your manager and staff members. Think about the ways you can improve your workplace, processes that can be streamlined, clutter that can be removed. Your excellent idea could move you toward greatness tomorro

    5) Define your unique skill set
    What makes you stand out from your peers in your industry? What unique skill(s) do you possess that you can leverage during this time to demonstrate your value and worth to your employer? Identify it – communicate it – leverage it.

    6) Be proactive – network now
    Expand your network now. Develop alliances within your industry - for yourself and your company. Team up to generate new business or collaborate on projects. This network will also come in handy if you are laid off later on. Networking is still the best way to find a job.

    7) To prepare for the worst case scenario
    a. Network everywhere: Professional associations, job hunting groups, social groups, even your church. Utilize discussion and networking forums online like

    b. Create a backup plan: What can you do financially to cover yourself in case you do get laid off? Put extra cash into savings. Cut back on certain expenses.

    8) Find a mentor.

    Working with a mentor will show your employer that you are serious about your career. Look for a mentor who is a successful leader in your career field. This person can be a supervisor, a co-worker or someone who works in another company. A mentor usually knows what managers look for when considering promotions and how to overcome workplace challenges. He or she can provide advice, answer questions, and relay tips that can help you reach your goals more quickly.

    by Hallie Crawford, MA, CPCC and Others.

    All Tips: Computer Tips, Internet Tips, Printing Tips, Health Tips, Life Tips, Household Tips, Career Tips, Earn By Internet, Phone Tips, Photography Tips, Fashion Tips, Hair Tips, Summer Tips, Travel Tips, Winter Tips etc.

    All Blog: All Travel Way, Recipe BD, All Health BD, Dhaka All, Bangla Poetry, Bird sanctuary bd, Wallpaper All Free, Free Treatment Bd etc.

    Monday, April 18, 2011

    How to optimize Windows XP for the best performance.


    How to optimize Windows XP for the best performance.


    Click Start, point to Programs, click Startup, and then right-click each item in Startup and select Delete. Your Startup should be empty (See Pic.2)


    2. Clean hidden Startup (Registry Editor)

    Click Start and select Run.

    Type “regedit” (omit quotation marks) in the resulting window. Click OK button.

    Registry Editor window will open (Pic.3)


    Maximize Registry Editor window.

    Click plus sign next to HKEY_CURRENT _USER, plus sign next to Software, plus sign next to Microsoft, plus sign next to Windows, plus sign next to CurrentVersion, and click folder Run to highlight it (Pic.4)


    With Run folder highlighted on the left, take a look at the right part of the window (Pic.5).


    All items that you see start automatically whenever you start computer. Delete all unnecessary entries by right-clicking it, and selecting Delete.

    Note 1: Removing items from the Run folder will not remove the corresponding program from your computer. It will simply prevent the program from loading automatically, and running in background, consuming valuable resources.

    Now, repeat the same procedure for the Run folder under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE (Pic.6):


    Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> Software -> Microsoft -> Windows -> CurrentVersion -> Run. And delete everything that you don’t want to load automatically (see Note 1). As you see from Pic.6, I have a few items in Run folder. They represent Autoprotect services of my Norton Antivirus. You may have other antivirus/firewall applications loading trough Run. I wouldn’t recommend removing antivirus/firewall from Run folder. Everything else can (and should) go. Restart computer.

    3. Remove useless programs (Add or Remove Programs)

    Click Start, point to Settings, and click Control Panel.

    Double-click Add or Remove Programs icon (Pic.7)


    Scroll through the list of installed programs, and remove the once you don’t need (restart as needed).

    Note 2: You may need a Windows XP installation disk for the following step.

    Switch to the list of Windows Components by clicking Add/Remove Windows Components button on the left.

    Uncheck Indexing Service, MSN Explorer, and Windows Messenger. Click Next button to remove programs.

    Restart Computer.

    4. Disable useless services (Computer Management/excessive GUI, etc.)

    Right-click My Computer and select Properties (Pic.8).


    Switch to Advanced tab, and click the first (under Performance subsection) Settings button.

    Performance Options window will open.

    Select Adjust For Best Performance option (Pic.9), and click OK button.


    Click Error Reporting button on the bottom, and turn off error reporting: uncheck Windows operating system and Programs boxes, and switching to Disable error reporting option (Pic.10). Click OK button.


    Now switch to Remote tab, and click Advanced button under Remote Assistance subsection (Pic.11)


    Uncheck Allow this computer to be controlled remotely, and click OK button.

    Uncheck Allow Remote Assistance invitations to be sent from this computer.

    Uncheck Allow users to be connected remotely to this computer (Pic.12).


    Switch to Automatic Updates tab, and check Keep my computer up to date option (Pic.13).

    Click OK button. Restart computer.


    Note 3: Set it to update at a time your computer will be turned on. This will ensure that your computer will always be up-to-date with the latest worm/security patches.


    Right-click My Computer and select Manage.

    Computer Management window will open (Pic.15).

    Maximize Computer Management window

    Click plus sign next to Services and Applications, click Services, and switch to Standard tab on the right (Pic.15).


    Change Startup Type for Alerter service by double-clicking Alerter, selecting Disabled from Startup type dropdown box, and clicking OK button (Pic.16).


    Now disable the following services using the same technique:

    Automatic Updates

    Background Intelligent Transfer Service


    Computer Browser (if you have a standalone pc – no network)

    Error Reporting Service

    Fast User Switching Compatibility

    Help and Support (switch to Manual)

    Indexing Service


    NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing

    Performance Logs and Alerts

    QoS RSVP

    Remote Desktop Help Session Manager

    Remote Registry

    Server (if you have a standalone pc – no network)



    Upload Manager


    Wireless Zero Configuration (don’t disable if using wireless network/Internet connection)

    Close Computer Management window.

    Restart computer.

    5. Optimize Network Settings (Local Area Connection Properties)

    Right-click My Network Places and click Properties.

    Right-click Local Area Connection and click Properties.

    Click QoS Packet Scheduler, and Click Uninstall button (Pic.17)


    (ONLY!) if you have a standalone pc (no network), or just don’t feel like sharing anything (files, printers, etc.) with other network users, uninstall Client for Microsoft Networks and File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks. Answer No if asked to restart. Then double-click Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), click Advanced button on the bottom, switch to WINS tab (Pic.18), and uncheck Enable LMHOSTS lookup, and select Disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP. Click OK twice, and then click Close. Answer Yes to restart computer.


    6. Disable Windows Messenger

    (Or remove it Microsoft way – click the following link for details;EN-US;q302089)

    Open Outlook Express (Start -> Programs -> Outlook Express). If you see Mail Account setup or Internet connection wizard, cancel it. Main Outlook Express window will open (Pic.19)


    Click Tools, and select Options (Pic.19).

    Uncheck Automatically log on to Windows Messenger option (Pic.20).


    Click OK button.

    Close Outlook Express.

    Right-click Taskbar, and select Task Manager (Pic.21).


    Switch to Processes tab.

    Find msmsgs.exe, right-click it, and select End Process.

    Close Windows Task Manager window.

    Double-click My Computer, double-click C-drive, and double-click Program Files folder.

    Find Messenger folder and rename it (Name it anything you want. I usually add “OFF_” at the beginning, so Messenger becomes OFF_ Messenger).

    Double-click renamed OFF_ Messenger (or whatever you named it) folder (Pic.22).







    the same way you renamed Messenger folder.

    Close all windows.

    Restart computer twice.

    7. Defragment hard drive (may take up to 30 minutes)

    Click Start, select Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and click Disk Defragmenter.

    When Disk Defragmenter window opens, select a drive in the top portion of the window, and click Defragment button.

    8. (Optionally) disable System Restore (Warning)

    See Windows Help and Support (Start -> Help and Support) on how to disable System Restore.

    9. (Optionally) disable Virtual Memory (also called Paging File)

    Don’t disable Virtual Memory if any of the following is true:

    You didn’t complete optimizations described above

    Computer has less than 512 MB of RAM (memory)

    Computer runs Mail, Database server or other resource-hungry applications in background

    Computer usually actively runs more than five (5) programs at once.

    Note: Some programs may refuse to run without Paging File (e.g. Adobe Photoshop, some games). However, most of the casual applications (MS Office, MS Works, Quake III, Unreal Tournament 2003 and almost everything else) will run just fine (well…, faster).

    It’s very easy to disable/enable Virtual Memory. Try both options, and determine the one that fits your personal preference.

    See Windows Help and Support (Start -> Help and Support) on how to disable Virtual Memory.

    Run Disk Defragmenter after disabling/enabling Virtual Memory.

    Restart computer.

    Related Links:

    Saturday, April 16, 2011

    Defuse Stress for a More Enjoyable Day

    Some days it seems as if life throws you stress left, right, up, and down. It can drain your energy, destroy your good mood, and challenge your outlook. Those are the obvious mental repercussions.

    But science has shown that stress is not merely a metaphysical thing. We have discovered that stress causes your body to release hormones that raise blood pressure, speed up your heart and breathing, halt digestion, cause a surge in blood sugar, and more. When stress is ongoing - such as the stress caused by money problems, bad relationships, or an overburdensome job - this constant physical reaction can significantly raise your risk of colds, diabetes, heart disease, back troubles, and almost every other major health concern. Indeed, stress is emerging as one of the principal contributors to poor health in modern countries.

    There's more. On a daily basis, stress often leads to unhealthy habits. A really bad day pushes you to the nearest doughnut or ice-cream store. It saps your willingness to exercise or eat well or have fun. It causes you to tune out the world, to sit in front of the television and ignore your relationships.

    And yet stress can be relatively easy to manage. All it takes is a mental commitment to it - and an open mind. Old-fashioned thinkers scoff at things like deep breathing, positive thinking, and guided imagery. Some are also put off by the openness and public display of emotions involved in some stress-relief methods. But these are scientifically proven to work, doctors endorse and recommend them, and the benefits are fast and real. These proven approaches to stress management work. Give several a try.

    1. Embrace the number one truth about stress: Only you create it. Stress isn't defined as a large workload, a difficult child, or a rise in terrorism. Stress is your physical and mental reaction to these external stimuli. Remember the truism about alcoholism? The one that says admitting you are an alcoholic is more than 50 per cent of the cure? The same is true for stress: Embracing the fact that stress is your reaction to external stimuli - and not the stimuli themselves - is half the battle toward managing it. You can't change a crazy world. But you can learn to handle it with humor, humility, and hope. Not coincidentally, virtually every stress-relief method that follows is about how to improve your reaction to external factors.

    2. Give your partner a hug every day before work. It's so simple, yet so often overlooked when you're trying to make your lunch, find your shoes and keys, and get on the highway before rush-hour gridlock. Research from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill found that the few seconds it takes to hug your partner can help you remain calm as chaos unfolds around you.

    3. Buy yourself flowers once a week and display them prominently on your desk. Women who sat near a bouquet of flowers were more relaxed during a typing assignment than women who didn't have flowers, according to a Kansas State University study of 90 women.

    4. Take a deep breath and then try to see yourself in someone else's shoes. As for your difficult boss and others who seem to try to annoy you, know that they are probably experiencing just as much inner turmoil as they are creating around them, says Dr Jay Winner, a family physician, stress-management teacher in Santa Barbara, California, and author of Stress Management Made Simple: Effective Ways to Beat Stress for Better Health. "When people are rude, they are usually suffering in one way or another," says Dr. Winner.

    5. Use the otherwise stressful time of waiting in line as a chance to relax. When you make a split decision about which line of cars to pull behind at a tollbooth or which line of carts to stand behind at the grocery store, chances are some other line will move more quickly. Rather than sending your stress hormones into the stratosphere as you steam over your bad luck, think about how busy you usually are and recognise the time - in reality, usually just a few minutes - as a gift in which you can just relax, says Dr Winner. "As you wait, think about things in life for which you are grateful, meditate on your breath, talk to one of the other customers, or look at a magazine."

    6. Twice a day, breathe deeply for three to five minutes. As you breathe, focus your mind on your breath and push all other distracting thoughts from your consciousness, suggests Rocco Lo Bosco, a massage therapist, yoga instructor, and author of Buddha Wept.

    7. Walk the stress off. Stress hormones prepare your body for a physical response. A healthy way to respond to a rush of stress, then, is to get physical. Go for a brisk 15-minute walk and burn off your nervous energy. Use the time to think through the issue and return to a positive, peaceful frame of mind.

    8. When you get out of bed in the morning, spend a few minutes consciously sensing your body from toes to head. Focus on the feet first. Notice how they feel from the inside out and mentally relax them. Then move upward to your ankles, then to your knees, on up your legs to your torso, chest, upper back, neck, head, and face. As you get used to the technique, you can bring your awareness inside your body and focus on relaxing each body part whenever you start to feel stressed, suggests Lo Bosco.

    9. Designate one person to whom you can vent your frustrations. Complaining widely about your work or family frustrations is not a healthy hobby to have - not only does it keep you in a negative frame of mind, but it's not very good for your professional or personal relationships either. The solution: Designate one trustworthy friend or family member to be your confidant. Someone who is discreet and knows just to listen and not to attempt to solve all your problems. Use that person to listen as you openly voice your stresses and how they are affecting you. Then, to the rest of the world, present yourself as positive and in control. Admit to stress, but don't detail it. You'll be amazed at how acting that way can make it a reality!

    10. Don't take the bait. If you really wanted to, you could spend your entire life angry at the world - at the rude salesclerks, the bad bosses, the crazy drivers, the lousy politicians, the unfair prices for a good piece of salmon. Happy, low-stress people choose not to get angry, even when the opportunity is dangled right in front of them.

    11. Don't respond to anger with anger. Confrontations tend to escalate. Next time you suddenly find yourself on the receiving end of aggression, don't automatically respond with the same. Take a breath, pause, then respond calmly and honestly, without undue defensiveness. If the other person won't engage constructively or is being irrational, then smile and excuse yourself, with the message that you'll be happy to discuss the issue when the person regains his composure or reason.

    12. Carry around a lucky "rabbit's foot" that helps you feel calm. Your "rabbit's foot" might come in the form of a photograph of your kids, a favourite poem or Bible verse. Carry it around and focus on it whenever you need to relax, suggests Scott Sheperd, PhD, author of Who's In Charge? Attacking the Stress Myth.

    13. Every night before bed, take five minutes to look over your day. Instead of asking yourself, "How did my day go?" ask "How did I handle my day, and how does that compare with six months ago?" Focusing on what you can control - your response to stress - will help you feel more in control.

    14. Decompress with a single alcoholic drink at the end of the day. Not only will it help prevent heart disease - one of the side effects of stress - but it will also disable your psychological inhibitions. "When we let our guard down a bit, we can ventilate some of our emotions and feelings that we would otherwise harbor within us," says Dr James Campbell Quick, a distinguished professor at the University of Texas at Arlington. Just be sure to stop at one drink.

    15. Each Sunday, plan out your meals for one week. Studies show that as late as 4 pm, a majority of people don't know what they're going to have for dinner that night. Planning ahead prevents the end-of-workday stress of trying to figure out what to eat. "Knowing what's for dinner when you come in from work cuts down on stress and encourages better eating and family time," says Audrey Thomas, an organizational consultant and author of The Road Called Chaos.

    16. Decorate your office walls with your children's pictures. Studies find that viewing works of art - and yes, children's pictures are art - lowers stress hormones. If you don't want to hang up finger-painted stick figures, go to to print out copies of works of art from the world's great masters.

    17. Relax with a cup of basil tea. Thought to help induce a state of calm, this herb is easy to grow in a container garden and one of the easiest fresh herbs to find at your grocery store. Place three washed fresh basil leaves in a cup of hot water. Steep 10 minutes, then sip.

    18. If exercise isn't helping to lower your stress level, switch from a repetitive type of exercise to a type that engages your mind. "Sometimes workouts are not effective at reducing stress because we use the time to think about all the stressful things we have going on," explains Larina Kase, Psy.D, president of Performance and Success Coaching and a psychologist at the Center for Treatment and Study of Anxiety at the University of Pennsylvania. Step aerobics, very active spinning classes (where you change positions a lot), and circuit training or interval training (where you alternate different activities) prevent your mind from drifting, providing the mental break you need. Or you can just play your favourite music and dance in the comfort of your home.

    19. Go somewhere blue or green. Cool colors, such as light blues and greens, help people to relax, feel calm, and relieve stress, says Dr Kase. When you're at the end of your wits, sit in a room where you can surround yourself with cool colors or find a bench in a garden. Having lush green plants in your home or office can provide similar color-related benefits.

    20. Take on just one new activity at a time. When you try to master too many new activities at once, you can easily feel overwhelmed, explains Edward J. Cumella, PhD, a licensed psychologist and director of research and education at the Remuda Ranch Treatment Centers in Wickenburg, Arizona. "Both at work and at home, take on new commitments with care," he says. "When your job is pushing the envelope, don't do more at home. Don't buy a new house and simultaneously take on higher car payments. When your home life is stressful and changing, don't quit your job or change careers!"

    21. Schedule six to eight hours of free time each week. Use the time to daydream, read a novel, take a nap, see a movie, or generally relax in whatever way feels best to you. This is your time.

    22. Drop in on a yoga class. Just one class is all you need to lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, according to a study from Jefferson Medical College. Researchers took blood samples from 16 beginners taking their first week of yoga classes. Cortisol levels dropped after the first class.

    23. Count your blessings once a day. Once every day, say to yourself (or to someone else): "I feel lucky to have ------ in my life" or "I feel privileged to have ------" Fill in the blanks with the names of family or friends, or with other positives, such as good health or a good career, suggests Dr Winner.

    24. Have a really good cry. By crying tears you were holding in, you can eliminate depression, make it easier to think clearly, heal old pain and hurt, and achieve a sense of inner peace, says Southern California psychotherapist Tina Tessina, PhD, author of It Ends With You: Grow Up and Out of Dysfunction. Plus, she says, studies find that crying boosts the immune system and reduces levels of stress hormones.

    25. When you're stressed or tired and someone wants more of you than you can give, tell him you only have a few minutes to talk or that you are tired and not able to really listen right then. Believe it or not, he will trust you more because you are honest and you will not be taking on more issues than you can tackle, says Dr Kase.

    26. Practice some difficult assertiveness skills such as declining a project, telling someone that you cannot talk now, expressing disagreement or disapproval or recommending an alternative. Increasing assertiveness skills can greatly reduce your feelings of stress at work and increase your sense of self-confidence, says Dr Kase. Be assertive in a friendly but firm way.

    27. Put Post-it notes on your bathroom mirror, on your car dashboard, and on your office computer that say "Slow down" and "What's your rush?" "Your brain takes many cues from your body, and sometimes it misinterprets the cues, so use that to your advantage," says Patricia A. Farrell, PhD, a licensed psychologist and the author of How to Be Your Own Therapist. Slowing everything down - walking instead of running, listening to slow music - will trick your brain into calming down your stress level too.

    28. Think of your children or your pet. Sometimes diverting your thoughts momentarily to those who love you, who matter more to you, and who bring you pleasure helps you instantly put things in perspective during very stressful moments. You don't have a pet? Get one. Studies find that pets, particularly dogs, are one of the best stress-relievers and health promoters around.

    29. Carry a small notebook with you everywhere. This is your "worry" journal. When you feel stressed, whip it out and scribble down everything on your mind at that minute. Close the journal. Close your eyes. Take 10 deep breaths. Now open the journal and read what you've written. You'll find your worries are not nearly as stressful as you thought now that you've gotten them out of your head and onto the page.

    30. Spritz lavender scent into the air (don't forget to spray yourself). Studies find the scent is instantly relaxing.

    31. Unclench your muscles. Until you do this exercise, you won't even know how tense you really are. It's called progressive relaxation and it works like this: Starting with your toes and working your way up, clench each muscle for 10 seconds, then thoroughly relax them. The whole exercise shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes, and you'll feel as if you've just undergone a massage.

    32. Deprive your senses. You've heard of sensory deprivation, right? That's the theory behind those tanks in which people float in body-temperature water in a dark, enclosed capsule. Well, you don't always have access to one of those. Instead, find the darkest room in your house or office. Turn off all the lights and close the door. Slip an eyeshade over your eyes and stuff earplugs into your ears. Then lie back on the couch or a few pillows, get comfortable, and let the relaxation take you away. (You might want to set an alarm clock just in case you fall asleep.)

    33. Slip in a CD of soothing music, researchers find, actually produces slower brain-wave patterns, like those observed when people are about to fall asleep or are taking certain medications.

    Source: Reader's Digest

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    5 Happiness Secrets For Tough Times

    Expert tips to help you cope with a bad economy, and increase your bursts of happiness throughout the day.

    1. Focus on Your Relationships

    You don't need an expert to tell you that relationships are critical to happiness. Not being the bread-winner anymore or not being able to fulfill your kid's needs can weighh down hard on your family life. But the trick is to stop feeling guilty and focus on nurturing your loved ones.

    "I was at a psychology conference where an expert was talking about the effects of this economy on families and how parents can't afford to buy their kids luxuries like toys anymore," says Lyubomirsky. "But what they don't realize is that kids don't care about toys -- what they care about is parents being grumpy and taking it out on them."

    2. Practice Acts of Kindness

    Now more than ever we need each other to survive. Lyubomirsky found that doing good things for friends, family, or strangers can make you happier. Think of practical, everyday gestures that can make someone's life a little bit easier.

    For example, Lyubomirsky says, "Maybe now many of us can't afford to take a cab to the airport, so offer to give a friend a ride."

    3. Avoid Overthinking

    "You could spend a lot of time ruminating," says Lyubomirsky. "But that just makes you feel even more pessimistic, more out of control, and effects your self esteem. Your relationships will suffer and your job performance will suffer."

    Get rid of pessimism. One of the most effective ways to cope when things are difficult is to adopt a positive thinking strategy. "What can I learn from this? Times are tough, I've been furloughed at work, but I can spend more time with the kids, adopt a new hobby, or learn a new set of skills."

    4. Pick a Goal

    "If you find a happy person you will find a project," says Lyubomirsky. "Happy people all have goals they care about."

    Commit yourself to a project – whether it is a business you want to start or a dance you want to learn. But it's also important to remember to be flexible in these times. Don't get frustrated if circumstances are stopping you from meeting your goals. Adopt and change!

    "If your spouse has lost their job you might have to change your goal," says Lyubomirsky. "Or you might have to learn a whole new skill for a new job."

    5. Take Care of Your Body

    When times are tough, it's easy to get skip your regular workouts in favor of moping in front of the TV and eating a bag of chips. Your thinking is "I have more important things to worry about right now than looking good."

    But carve out a small part of your day to give your body some TLC. It will go a long way in boosting your happiness. "Even if you can't afford to go to the gym," Lyubomirsky says, "take time out to exercise at home or meditate."

    By Chandni Jhunjhunwala

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